
This hub importance of food gives you brief knowledge of food and its importance to our health and food essential for our body and also provides you menu for health building  .

    Food plays very vital role in maintaining proper health and also helps in prevention and cure of diseases . Good nutritive food makes health ,but at the same time bad or unhealthy food give rise to several diseases. Our cells , tissues and all organs works properly only with nutritious food which we eat .

    Fruits are also excellent source of minerals , vitamins and enzymes like vegetables , the best thing about fruits is that they are very digestive, other importance of fruits are :

- Fruits are highly alkaline in nature i.e. they contains low percentage of protein and fats and a high percentage of water .

- Fruits itself is a complete food .

    Baguio is known as the “Summer capital of the Philippines” – located some 1,500 meters above sea level. The city is known for its mild climate, and since this is a tropical country and unbearably humid during summer, people visit this place for a cool down, just to get away from the city life and enjoy some simple recreation.

    Why not visit one of the best places in the Philippines which has its own legend? They say that each of the hundred islands has come from the noble soldiers who fought for the country. Although there are several different islands, only three of them have been developed and are enjoyable from a tourist’s perspective: Governor Island, Quezon Island, and Children’s Island. It’s easy to get around, though – just take a bus ride to Anda Alaminos and rent a ferry bound to the island you want to stay. Children’s Island is named such because it is really perfect for youngsters – it is surrounded by shallow water, which is suitable and safe for children to play.

Bohol is ranked as the number one tourist destination in the Philippines, and for good reason. This island city will give you hundreds of reasons to come, and hundreds more to stay. Firstly, this is the home of the tarsier, the smallest living mammal in the world, a true curiosity of Mother Nature. Right beside the city is the Luboc river River, where you’ll get to dine inside a slow moving boat and enjoy all the hidden beauty of the city from this new perspective. There is also the Panglao Island,  whose fine white sand beaches will help you work on your tan and forget about the office. Bohol is known for its chocolate hills – limestone formations in the area –  these are one one of the most visited place in Bohol and absolutely one of the best places to go in the Philippines. Try and get to taste the local delicacy Kalamay or their new baked polvoron, both will make your mouth water and will surely ask for more and have you throwing out clothes to make room in  your luggage to buy more.

often called Fire Island,  and known for its numerous number amount of volcanoes, Camiguin has been one of the most frequently visited place in the country. It serves as a melting spot of different people, as it is a popular place for foreigners to live. It is a small island but has several wonders to be proud of. They have the white island – a place where you’ll get to relax in a tiny strip of white, sandy bliss during the day, and then watch as the tides take the island away at nighttime.  Camiguin is also famous for their sweet lanzones, a fruit similar in size, texture and taste to a lychee.  During the annual Lanzone festival, the locals  line their streets with lanzones and this is the perfect time to get to a taste the of fruit for free.

    Friendships can change a person's life, and can do so quickly, especially in the case of people who meet and become friends right away. Indeed, some friendships can be stronger than family relationships. In middle school, high school and, to a lesser degree, college, friendships feel, at the time, all important. In the business and political worlds, friendships (dubbed "contacts" or "relationships") can translate into millions of dollars. Friendships are a powerful surface journey, in that they can, believably, happen anytime, anywhere, and change a character's life from the start. Is the friend a positive influence? Does he encourage the character to broaden his horizons, read new books or listen to new music? Or does he have a negative influence? Does he rope him into fights, bring him out drinking every night and get him to curse with as much frequency as he does?

this is my journey with my friend!

    Your best friend means a lot to you, so when it comes to buying her a gift, you want to find something that will show her how much you value your friendship. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. For example, you can give her something that involves spending time together, something customized or something sentimental.

    Friendship jewelery comes in many forms. For example, you can give your girlfriend a break-apart pendent that says "best friends" on it. Break apart pendents come in a wide variety of shapes, such as hearts or stars. The gift recipient then breaks it in half and keeps one while giving the other to her best friend. Another idea is to purchase two pieces of matching jewelery, such as watches or bracelets, and having the words "best friend" engraved on them.

The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch swing with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've ever had. "And most of all, a true friend is someone who is willing to share his TIME with you. Time shared together has always been imporatant for me, as time is something no one can ever buy nor take back. The moment a person shared his time with you, he had already shared a part of his life with you.

A best friend is always there for you... in my life i only have few true friends and that are my best friends. my best friend  are those friend who really there for in times of my sadness and happiness. Like this picture i dream that my best friend will never be changed
               Forever is a very long time. How is it that people can talk so casually about a concept that we cannot even wrap our minds around? Sometimes we have a friend and we sense that our souls are very closely connected. We know that the connection is above time and space. We know that wherever we are in our lives we will always remain friends. Even if we do not see each other for years we are able to pick up right where we left off. This is what people mean when they say friends forever.

We all want to have true friends, but the quality of our friends depend on us. If you want to have true friends, you should be a true friend yourself. By being a true friend, people will love to be around you and many of them will eventually become your true friends.

In addition, being a true friend is a good way to solve relationship problems. It’s difficult to change other people, but you can always change yourself. You can then solve the otherwise unsolved problems in relationships.

Here I’d like to share  tips to become a true friend. It may take years to learn to apply them but they are essential to boost your relationships.

Here they are:

1. Befriend yourself

Friendship with oneself is all important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.
Eleanor Roosevelt

This is an essential first step if you are to be a true friend. If you don’t even accept yourself, how can you accept others? You may have made mistakes in the past that you can’t forget. But forgive yourself for them. You perhaps don’t have the traits you want in life. But accept yourself as you are.

2. Accept others

A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.

After you befriend yourself, you will be in a good position to accept others. Other people may do you wrong or have some bad habits you don’t like. But you are not perfect yourself so there is no reason for you not to accept them.

3. Make time

At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child, or a parent.
Barbara Bush

Sometimes we are too busy to provide time for relationships, even for important people in our life. That most likely happens because we put relationships too low in our priority list. If we regard relationships as high priority, time won’t be a problem. We will make time for relationships.

4. Be a good listener

Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.
Ed Cunningham

The art of listening is one of the most difficult arts to master. I experience it myself. Sometimes I talk with a friend but don’t carefully listen to what he says. Sometimes I’m introduced to a new person but don’t carefully listen to her name. A true friend doesn’t do that. A true friend is a good listener.

5. Understand first

Everyone looks at life through his own lens. Often we expect others to see life through the same lens as ours, but that will create a lot of problems. A true friend is someone who is willing to look through other people’s lenses first. He tries to understand why they think and act that way.

One thing I find helpful for this is learning about personality. Learning about personality helps me understand why people behave differently from me in certain situations. A good, easy-to-digest book on this subject is Personality Plus.

6. Find common ground

Finding common ground helps you connect with new friends quickly. The common ground allows you to talk to others about something they are interested in and thereby build relationships with them.

To make it easier to find common ground, you should enlarge your ground. The larger your ground, the easier it is for you to connect with others. Two simple ways to enlarge your ground is reading a lot and listening a lot.

7. Be interested

If you want to be interesting you should first be interested. Be curious. Cultivate interest about many things. If you do that, you can genuinely be enthusiastic when people talk to you about something. People will feel appreciated and love to be around you.

8. Take initiative to help

Make use of your friends by being of use to them.
Benjamin Franklin

A true friend doesn’t wait until someone asks his help. Instead, he takes the initiative to help others. This, of course, is easier said than done. To do this, you should be on the lookout for needs. Be sensitive. Often you can find others’ needs through what they implicitly say. You may also see it through their body language. When you sense a need, think about how you can help them and take the initiative to help.

9. Trust others

Confidence is the foundation of friendship. If we give it, we will receive it.
Harry E. Humpreys

If you treat others as good and trustworthy people, they will also treat you likewise. Believe in your heart that people are naturally good, even when they seem to be the opposite. People will feel how you believe in them and they will be touched by your sincerity.


A true friend is always honest no matter what.

It is your duty to tell the truth, even when you know that the truth may hurt and possibly even cost you your friendship (which it won’t if you follow the other 9 rules below).

Never take something without permission, even if you know that your friend will be okay with it. Just ask for permission first.


A true friend is someone you can rely on.

When you make a promise you will always honor it, and when you know you won’t be able to stick to your promise it’s best to be honest and tell your friend that you can’t keep to the promise.

If you say that you’ll do something or be somewhere at a certain date and time, then be there no matter what.


A true friend respects time, property and beliefs.

  • Time is respected by not wasting it. Be punctual for appointments and let your friend know if you’ll be late or can’t make it at all.
  • Property is respected by not damaging it. Treat other people’s belongings with care and love.
  • Beliefs are respected by not judging. If you know that your friend has certain beliefs and morals, respect them, even if you don’t agree with them.
4- Bros Before Hoes

Please excuse the expression but I found it very fitting.

Choosing bros before hoes means that you don’t choose a girl or a boy over your friend. Don’t cancel your plans with your friend or let your friend down just because you want to be with someone you’re interested in.

If the guy or girl you are interested in is really special to you, you can always ask your friend first and they’ll likely understand. But a true friend doesn’t drop you to be with someone else.


A true friend will sacrifice their own comfort or happiness and put you first.
They are selfless and would not do something for financial or material gain if they knew that it would have a negative effect on your life.


A true friend you will stand up for you when you need it. Also when you don’t ask them to.

A true friend is not for sale and will never do anything that will compromise your success or happiness.


A true friend is patient with you. They are understanding when things need time to change or get better and won’t judge you even when you make the same mistake over and over. As long as you’re making the effort to get better.

8- Laugh Together Cry Together

A true friend is not a fair-weather friend. They are there for  you in good times and in bad times. A true friend also shares their own success with you when they achieve it.

9-Constructive Criticism

A true friend is not scared to tell you what you’re doing wrong . They’re not scared to seriously intervene if they see that something is seriously bad for you or if you’re going down the wrong path.But they always support their criticism with advice that can help you improve.

Don’t just say “You’re going to go bankrupt with your new business plan”. Tell them why you think their new business plan will fail. E.g. “You’re putting all your money into something that is not real, or there is an expiry date on the products you’re buying and I don’t think you’ll be able to sell even 10% of what you’re buying”.

10- Forgiveness

A true friend has the ability to forgive. Everyone is human and we all make mistakes at times. We may even break one or more of these golden rules of being a true friend, but if you realize that you messed up and you really show that you’re sorry and try to make things right, a true friend will be able to forgive you. (Just don’t mess up in the same way again because there is a limit to forgiveness


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    July 2012

