This hub importance of food gives you brief knowledge of food and its importance to our health and food essential for our body and also provides you menu for health building  .

    Food plays very vital role in maintaining proper health and also helps in prevention and cure of diseases . Good nutritive food makes health ,but at the same time bad or unhealthy food give rise to several diseases. Our cells , tissues and all organs works properly only with nutritious food which we eat .

    Fruits are also excellent source of minerals , vitamins and enzymes like vegetables , the best thing about fruits is that they are very digestive, other importance of fruits are :

- Fruits are highly alkaline in nature i.e. they contains low percentage of protein and fats and a high percentage of water .

- Fruits itself is a complete food .

7/20/2012 05:20:15 pm

Foods can either create or destroy you. It's about healthy food choices that makes you a healthy person. That's how important food is!

7/29/2012 06:19:37 pm

it is right to take a right food for the right time.wish u the best!!!!!!!!

7/29/2012 06:48:53 pm

take a right food for you to become healthier!! nice food...but care to ur self.

7/29/2012 08:04:31 pm

always looked forward for the healthier life..yeah!!!it is right to each nutritious foods.

7/29/2012 08:44:53 pm

i have to eat! yes its good to eat like this for me to become healthy!

7/30/2012 02:11:46 pm

choose the best food will good to our health,,,its so delicious to eat fruits!

7/30/2012 06:35:55 pm

Part of the secret of a success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.

7/30/2012 06:41:00 pm

you are what you eat.

7/30/2012 06:42:56 pm

When a man's stomach is full it makes no difference whether he is rich or poor.

7/30/2012 06:45:30 pm

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.


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    July 2012

